<--- my given nickname and stuck with it ever since.. Dubbed by 2 girls that i have nvr met before 2-3 years back.. now, we're friends! and am loving every second of it! the reason why i was given this nick is bcoz when iskandar smack my back, it made a loud sound which go piak!! so there.. don't ask me ever again.. makes me tired to repeat it over and over again to the same old people...
today, i was stuck at home.. freaking damn boring ler.. the house was like a graveyard... sooo quiet but tats the way i like it.. peace is wat everyone needs from time to time.. watched a couple of old movies on the movie channels.. didcha noe that the actors during the golden days were SOoo lame and hav no artistic skill during their acting?? my god!! how did they win awards is a mystery... technology back then was also a piece of crap!! star wars for instance.. the lightsaber battles during episodes 4-6 was god damn boring... sigh...
damn damn damn!!! shit being lovesick sucks!! Soo afraid to tell her!! the feeling of longing, the worrying. the insight that is denied, argh!!! its killing me slowly!! plz make it fast and painless!! drug me or something!! don't make me suffer another rejection.. once was ok, twice i can handle, thrice was so and so, the rest? we'll jus hav to see.. my one relationship was in shambles.. 2months only... Ahhhh!!! she was stolen by a mat!!!! wats with mats anyway? why do girls like them soo much?? looks like decency went out of the window along with the years long past... wats the world coming to? goodness, we need a saviour!!! and i cant be it!!
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