BOREDOM!!! its uber killing me!! haven been this bored since i dont know when.... my gosh what a fool i have been and still being the fool... been playin idiotic games with poker cards.. solitaire lar and 24... hahahs see how pathetic i can be when i'm stuck at home... i need something or someone!! since its oredi 4th of april, today's plan oso kena cancel... i know i know... you cant help it... damn, wadd the hell am i gonna do ltr? just now soo bored till i cleaned up my room WHICH i dont normally do until the next hari raya or some other special occasion... class notes were like everywhere... 6 years worth of notes = 4 huge plastics bags.. damn heavy... didnt eat much too... 2 reasons.. i lost my appetite and bcoz the food was too salty.. smoking's bad but eating salty food is worse ler.. rather die to smoking than to salty food... come to think of it, both is just as bad as each other... while cleaning my room, found couple of memorable items... damn.. its making me wish to go back in time to exprience it all over again... it would be damn excellent!! then i can jaga my intake!! ahhaahaaha thats wishful thinking but once in a while wishes come true.... ahahah oh yah, yesterday met up with marcus, fah, hakim, adi, mdnoh and his girl, and huda... they went jamming then i met up with them... wanted marcus to transfer some songs and flicks to my laptop... yah... then went to fah's place to lepak... it was near damai soo it was like old times... then watch american pie- the naked mile... GUYS and GALS watch it! seriously its good! then played PS and smoked(me and fah) yeahhh... thats it.. from exciting to damn boring.... haizz
(a fool is what i am and a fool i will still be.. what is done; is done... cant do crap.. just need to hope and wish that things would just go my way for once in this lifetime... everything has fall to pieces once too many times.... and i've paid the price for my stupidity)
From Yesterday

Wednesday, April 4, 2007
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