wWooowowww!!! marcus!! dude!!! your songs rock big time!! AVIAN SIXTY FOUR!!! omg! it seriously didnt sound like you la but who the hell cares!! the songs were off the hook!!! i know i know im doing this without you knowing but I MUST PROMOTE YOU GUYS!! eh eh visit www.myspace.com/aviansixtyfour!! damm excellent!!!

this is them!! according to order from the left; marcus, born, izz, shark, bob and val! nvr met this guys b4 but marc is the one i know!! Woowow! marc! if you're reading this, DUDE congrats man! your demo sounds great!! MORE more more more!!! dont stop and give more!! ahhhhhh!!!
to anyone who is reading this!! to visit their myspace and listen to their songs!!! man oh man they'll knock your socks off!!!